These Outdoor Gear Essentials Are Majorly on Sale for Cyber Week

We've found some of the best Black Friday deals on outdoor gear like high-end tents, apparel, portable mosquito repellers and more.

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November 29, 2019

Whether you're shopping for someone else or looking for deals on some well-deserved gear for yourself, now's the time to be shopping for your next adventure while some of the best sites for outdoor gear are slashing prices for Cyber Week. With savings up to 72% off, there's something here for every backpacker, frequent flier, hiker and all-around explorer on your list.

$17.47 $10
43% Off!

LifeStraw's water filter is truly ultralight, at just 4.8 oz. It can filter up to 1,000 gallons of water, removing up to 99.9999 percent of bacteria and 99.9 percent of protozoa. It's a great stocking stuffer for outdoor lovers and travelers alike.

$21.86 $14
38% Off!

When it's deflated, Klymit's X pillow packs down into almost nothing. At 1.95 oz, it's light enough for all but the most extreme ultralight backpackers to justify bringing on a trip. Thanks to its X construction, it inflates extremely quickly, in just one or two breaths, and it cradles your head better than most other inflatable pillows. This is an excellent stocking stuffer for any camper, backpacker or frequent flier.

$24.99 $16
36% Off!

Instead of dealing with citronella candles and heaps of bug spray, Thermacell devices emit repellent undetectable to humans to create a small zone around you where bugs won't want to go. This ultra-portable model weighs 11.2 oz and is ideal for creating a mosquito-free zone around your campsite.

$50 $25
50% Off!

Puffy slippers make the best camp shoes, and these moccasin-style slip-ons from Columbia go the extra mile with Omni-Grip rubber soles. Inside, they feature Columbia's Omni-Heat reflective technology, so your feet stay toasty without needing extra bulk. These slippers are on sale for 50 percent off and would make a great gift for campers, skiers and winter lodge-lovers and anyone who's always cold.

$89.99 $25
72% Off!

Grand Trunk's hammocks are wide enough to fit two people and comfortable enough to camp in overnight. Several patterns, including their state flag series, are currently for sale on for nearly 75 percent off. These hammocks will last a lifetime and make a great gift for anyone who loves to laze with a book in the woods, hammock camp or lounge in the backyard. They're also a great gift for college students.

$75 $25
67% Off!

ExOfficio is best-known for its travel underwear, but this company also makes an impressive line of outdoorsy apparel that's secretly hiding tech in its fibers. This "Bugsaway" tunic, on sale for 67 percent off, has been treated with special insect repellent that humans can't smell or feel, and which will last through dozens of cycles in the laundry. Bugsaway clothing can help keep you mosquito bite-free without smelly bug spray or DEET, which can damage your outdoor apparel.

$124.95 $50
60% Off!

Fjallraven's High Coast Trail 26 pack is a great gift for day hikers, travelers and anyone who wants a versatile backpack for everyday use. Its hip belt stores behind the back panel so you can use it for extra support when you need it and tuck it away when you don't, and it has an interior pocket that can fit up to a 15-inch laptop. It's made from Fjallraven's G-1000 Eco fabric, a mix of organic cotton and recycled polyester, and it's waxed for water resistance. It's on sale for 60 percent off from

$128 $78
39% Off!

This lightweight rain jacket made from recycled materials is a great gift for travelers and hikers who don't let a storm keep them inside. Also available in a men's version, this jacket is made from 100 percent recycled polyester and its waterproof coating is PFC-free, meaning it's made without harsh perfluorocarbon chemicals known to damage the environment. United By Blue is offering up to 60 percent off site-wide for Black Friday; this jacket is about 40 percent off.

$299 $224
25% Off!

Rumpl's down puffy blankets are as luxurious as they come. They're water-resistant so you can bring them outside without worrying about destroying them, and they pack down as small as a sleeping bag, so you can easily bring them with you on camping trips. The two-person blankets are great for couples who camp together, and they're also ideal for getting cozy by the campfire (just take care not to let any embers land on the blanket).

$359.95 $234
35% Off!

Big Agnes's mtnGLO tents eliminate the frustration of needing to wear a headlamp inside the tent. This series comes outfitted with lights built-in to the sides and ceiling of the tent, so all you have to do is flip a switch the same way you'd turn on lights at home. Big Agnes tents are easy to set up, smartly built and super-durable, so you can rest assured it'll last you many, many years. The Tumble 4 mtnGLO and several other tents in the series are on sale for up to 35 percent off at

$350 $0
Free with $500 Purchase!

On top of sale prices, Cotopaxi is offering free gear to those who spend a certain amount of money. Between now and Dec. 2, if you spend $100, you'll get a free Mariveles Del Dia duffel bag and a Dopp Kit Del Dia. If you spend $200, you'll get both of those and a Tarak backpack. And if you spend $500, you'll get a free Sueno sleeping bag, worth $350. Filled with down and roomy enough to get cozy without feeling constricted, this is one of the comfiest sleeping bags we've tried. Extra bonus: it unzips almost completely flat, so on warmer nights two people can share it like a comforter.

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